Delft University of Technology
The TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute aims to create intensive interdisciplinary collaborations between researchers of the faculties 3ME, IO, LR, EWI and BK. It will give Delft a unique position as the most engineering oriented university in the field of sports research, combining the broad fundamental knowledge of these engineering faculties.
The aim of the TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute is to promote and organize research and education in the field of performance enhancement in elite sports and the promotion of sports, play and exercise to create a healthier society.
By means of interdisciplinary collaboration between faculties and collaboration with companies, TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute aims to fulfill the potential of reaching a unique international position as the most engineering oriented University in the field of sports research and education. Sport research offers the opportunity for national and international exposure of the excellent Delft research capabilities and innovations to a broad audience, and it is appealing for students in for example MSc assignments and Dream Teams. Challenges in elite sports are well defined. Thereby, elite sports offers a great environment to test new ideas and principles.
TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute aims to create valuable spin-off to both business and society by its research on the well-defined challenges in elite sports.
Sport has a natural attraction on people at all levels in society. TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute aims to use this visibility of sport as a vehicle to presents its research excellence by, as complex research can readily be explained to the wide audience by the application in (elite) sports. By doing so, TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute aims to fulfill the challenge of encouraging young children and future students to pursue their education at a technical university.
2628 CD
Anoek van Vlaardingen, Daan Bregman – coordinator Sports Enigineering
Skype: anoekvanvlaardingen
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Technical university
Year of foundation
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