EPSI Services

Our Comprehensive Services

The European Platform for Sport Innovation is an accelerator of innovation in the area of physical activity/sport, related to leisure, transport, education, tourism environment, construction, and health in Europe. EPSI strives for a more innovation-friendly environment to stimulate business development and social wellbeing.


EPSI aims to create, coordinate, manage or advise European, National, or regional projects with dedicated financial investments:
Discover Our Fundraising Results

Business Creation

EPSI supports its members by providing the expertise needed to develop successful business ideas based on strategic development agendas. You can choose from a vast offering of services, according to your market strategy:
In 2024, 10 of our members already achieved impressive results thanks to tailor-made business strategies. Through our network, we will find possible investors or partners for you through our ‘Business Development activities’.
We Support Business Creation Trough

Lobbying & Education

We know the importance of investing in sports. Catering to your specfic needs, we advocate for you to: 

Among Our Lobbying Results: