
This project aims at developing an innovative curriculum of “young leader in grassroots sport management at national and international level”. The curriculum is composed of e-training modules and 1 e-internship module in which young trainees are asked to cooperate with their organizations in order to put in practice what they learned developing innovative sport activities for children from 5 to 11 years old.

Project Summary

Coordinated by an International Sports Confederation (CSIT/Austria) with a partnership of 5 national grassroots sport organisations (AICS/Italy, TUL/Finland, UCEC/Spain, KALEV/Estonia, HLA/Croatia), 1 organisation for sport innovation (EPSI/Belgium), 1 organisation which provides certifications for educational services (ETSIA/Belgium) and a cultural non-profit organisation (FNCC/Italy), eYOUAca has the objective of developing an innovative e-learning academy (MOOCs) addressed to 75 young people – aged between 18 and 30 years old – through the engagement of a team of young leaders who has been already trained during the first 3 past small collaborative partnership projects.

According to an analysis of trainees and organisations’ needs and to common guidelines aimed at defining the set of criteria to make the programme “youth-friendly”, national teams of trainers, senior and young leaders in grassroots sport develop, test and deliver the modules through 2 methodological pillars: “intergenerational dialogue”; “learning by doing”.

Project Objectives

eYOUAca project aims at developing an innovative curriculum of “young leader in grassroots sport management at national and international level”. The curriculum is composed of e-training modules and 1 e-internship module in which young trainees are asked to cooperate with their organisations in order to put in practice what they learned developing innovative sport activities for children from 5 to 11 years old.

The e-training and e-internship will be evaluated and certified according to the EQF. A related social campaign will be launched during the European Week of Sport. Each partner will produce an advocacy toolkit to promote the new sport activities. All the results will be spread through the social media channels, 5 national multiplier events, a final conference and an advisory board staged in Brussels. Thus addressing different typology of target groups.

Materials And Publications