Movement Pills


The Movement Pills project is built around the development of a campaign to raise awareness and promote physical activity intended as a natural remedy capable of preventing and lowering the incidence of developing pathologies closely related to a sedentary lifestyle.

The project therefore provides for the widespread distribution of a great number of Movement Pills boxes, real boxes that resemble those of medicines, but contain a trial subscription for one free month of physical activity in the gym and swimming pool adhering to the project and a leaflet containing information on the benefits of physical activity and on sports opportunities provided.

Project Summary

With the aim of tackling sedentary lifestyle and promote physical activity, Movement Pills is a project addressed to citizens of partner countries conceived for the empowerment of primary health prevention. The concept is built around the development of EU-wide campaign to raise awareness and promote physical activity intended as a natural remedy capable of preventing and/or lowering the incidence of developing pathologies closely related to a sedentary lifestyle.

The main goal is to develop and spread a common EU-wide methodology to promote physical activity and active lifestyles focusing on the link between sport and health, using pharmacies as a chain of engagement for beneficiaries. The project, therefore, provides for the widespread distribution, in partner countries, of a great number of “movement pills boxes“, real boxes that resemble those of medicines, but contain a trial subscription for a free month of physical activity in the gyms and swimming pools adhering to the project, login credentials to access interactive online sport lessons and video tutorials and/or video tutorials, and a leaflet providing information on the benefits of physical activity and risks of sedentary lifestyles.

Just like remedies, boxes of Movement Pills are distributed in pharmacies. A wide range of sports activities is provided, including options that allow the inclusion of the categories of subjects at risk.

Project Objectives

The overall objective of the proposal is to develop and spread a common EU-wide methodology to promote physical activity and active lifestyles focusing on the link between sport and health, using pharmacies as a chain of engagement for beneficiaries and counteracting this way the sanitary risks deriving from inactivity.

Carry out a quality project to develop an effective and easily reproducible methodology.

Develop the digital dimension of the projects, namely a platform where the network of players can find learning opportunities, test the methodology and reproduce it in more contexts and countries.

Create the basis for the scalability and reproducibility of the methodology by consolidating the existing partnership and increasingly developing a network of players willing to adopt or promote the methodology in their own town or country

Test, reproduce and promote the methodology to guarantee its wide diffusion, through an action of advocacy and dissemination of results.

Materials And Publications