
SESE projects promotes transnational cooperation, improving the capacity of public and private stakeholders to operate in a challenging environment through the promotion of the concept of Excellence in sports from a cross-sectorial perspective, developing joint strategies with other areas and interest groups and promoting sports in new areas, among others Health, Labour, Family and Risk of Social Exclusion. Thanks to its idiosyncrasy, Sports regions probably represent the best mechanisms to deal with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on Sports and the current economic crisis, through the promotion of digitalisation, social inclusion and business creation. Follow the latest updates of SESE on Linkedin and Facebook.

Project Summary

To face this health and socioeconomic crisis that is hitting Europe, six partners from five different countries (Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Portugal and The Netherlands) have decided to gather efforts through the creation of a Sport regions network to boost the Excellence in the definition and implementation of sport policies based on the SportRegion Excellence method. This method aims to improve their capacity to operate at transnational level by defining a holistic and innovative programme of activities addressing common needs and challenges, sharing, and implementing innovative best practices and experiences from a transdisciplinary dimension and promoting the exchange of common resources.

The SESE project through the SportRegion Method aims to impact positively on the wellbeing of population living in sport regions through the promotion of Sport as a pillar of social and health improvement. Thus, Excellence Sportegions network is based on the idea that the success and experiences of other regionis based on the idea that the success and experiences of other regions can help us to advance towards a more inclusive, smarter, and sustainable sport’s sector though sharing ideas and knowledge to strengthen the philosophy that Sport really has the power to build societies.implementation of sport policies based on the SportRegion Excellence method.

This method aims to improve their capacity to operate at transnational level by defining a holistic and innovative programme of activities addressing common needs and challenges, sharing, and implementing innovative best practices and experiences from a transdisciplinary dimension and promoting the exchange of common resources. The SESE project through the SportRegion Method aims to impact positively on the wellbeing of population living in sport regions through the promotion of Sport as a pillar of social and health improvement.

Project Objectives

The project has the following objectives:

1) Creating the first Pan-European network of regions based in an interregional value chain in the field of sport with the objective of:

  • increasing and  stabilizing the standards to promote excellence in Sport Policies from a cross-sectorial dimension and focusing on three main topics: social inclusion, digitalisation, and business creation and promoting European values and principles;
  • providing a methodological framework and different learning tools (Capacity Building Programme, Twinning-Programme, Pool of experts, etc) to improve the capacity of partners and relevant stakeholders that are participating in the network to operate at the transnational level and identify common synergies and complementarities to work jointly on the improvement and/or provision of high quality and innovative products and services;
  • establishing the bases for long-term cooperation among organisations from the Q4-Helix strengthening the cross-sectorial dimension of the network.

2) Promoting an integral programme of activities focused on:

  • the promotion of a favourable ecosystem to identify and share best practices around Europe b) the definition of a methodological framework that facilitate the process of incorporating in an effective way the lessons learned from the exchange of experiences and best practices;
  • definition and implementation of the SportRegion Excellence model to transfer and incorporate best practices, share experiences and lesson learned among different European regions;
  • providing a methodological framework and different learning tools (Capacity Building Programme, Twinning-Programme, Pool of experts, etc.

Specific Objectives:

  1. To empower Sport regions by sharing the best strategies with other regions in the country and by improving good governance as well as transferring lesson learned.
  2. To promote social inclusion, gender equality, diversity, integration, cohesion, wellbeing and life and health quality by using sport.
  3. To facilitate the practice of sport by promoting inclusive regional policies.
  4. To contribute to the digital transformation of sport regions.
  5. To increase social conscience about the social and health benefits of practising sports.
  6. To create strong and long-term collaboration, leading European regions towards Excellence in Sports
  7. To create a favourable ecosystem to promote new alliances, innovative projects, transfer of innovation and facilitate the identification and creation of new business models in the sport’s sectors from a cross-sectorial and multi-stakeholder’s perspective.
  8. To improve and strengthen partners management capacities and skills to advance towards Excellence Sportregions model through the definition of a Capacity Building Programme, the Twinning programme, and the Pool of Experts.
  9. To contribute to rise-awareness on the partners activities and Erasmus+ disseminating the project results and objectives achieved.

Project Activities

Phase 1: Preparation and collection of data. Definition of the methodological framework (M1 to M9)

Main outputs:
– Methodological framework
– Criteria for the selection of best practices
– Benchmarking and complementarity study
– Sportregion Excellence Model

Phase 2: Implementation of the methodological framework (M10 to M30)

Main outputs:
– Report of results of the Excellence Sportregions model
– Identification of at least 20 best practices
– Identification and development of at least 5 new business models

Phase 3: Building capacitation and transnational cooperation (M20 to M30)

– E-book with the content of the training programme
– Programme of the Twinning-programme
– Report of results of the Twinning programme

Phase 4: Evaluation of the impact of the methodological framework (M28 to M34)

– Report of results of the qualitative and quantitative indicators
– Guideline of recommendations to boost the adoption of the sportergion excellence model

Phase 5: Follow-up and monitoring (M1 to M36)

– Report of results of the qualitative and quantitative indicators
– Progress reports
– Final reports



  • STICHTING SPORTDRENTHE (NL) – Their philosophy is to use the power of sport and exercise together to make Drenthe a better place. This unique, extensive collaboration between all Drenthe municipalities and the province of Drenthe has grown since 2009 into an extensive network with unifying power, an integrated vision and structure.
  • MEDJIMURJE COUNTY (HR) – Bordered by the rivers Mura and Drava, situated in the far north of Croatia, rich history and cultural heritage, Međimurje represents a whole and a separate region. The smallest county in Croatia is one of the most densely populated parts of the country. Thanks to its location, but also because of the transport infrastructure, Međimurje today presents “a doorway of Croatia” towards Central and Eastern Europe.
  • FEDERATION DES ASSOCIATIONS DES CAPITALES ET VILLES EUROPEENNES DU SPORT AISBL (BE) – ACES Europe is a non-profit association based in Brussels that assigns every year the recognitions of European Capital, City, Community, and Town of Sport. The allocation of these recognitions is done by ACES Europe, according to the principles of responsibility and ethics, being aware that sport is a factor of aggregation of the society, improvement in the quality of life, psycho-physical well-being and complete integration within social classes in the community. ACES Europe awards the European Capital of Sport title is an initiative that has received the recognition of the European Commission in the White Paper (Art. 50). In addition, ACES Europe is an official partner of the European Commission in the European Week of Sport. Both facts suppose the recognition of the work and activity of ACES Europe.
  • LAPIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU OY (FI) – Lapland University of Applied Sciences is the northernmost UAS in Finland and in the EU focusing on higher education and research, development and innovations. Lapland UAS’s research, development and innovation (RDI) activities are multidisciplinary and almost unparalleled in scope among Finnish universities of applied sciences. RDI is closely linked with teaching. Knowledge of northern conditions is a basic part of their life: teachers and RDI professionals are experts in innovative research and development having extensive experience in business life. First and foremost their development projects benefit other entities; companies, associations and organisations of the public sector. The most significant providers of their financing are the EU and Business Finland – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation. About 16 percent of their projects are international.
  • Direção Regional do Desporto (DRD) (PT) – Their mission is to ensure the implementation of the policy defined for sport, designing, coordinating and supporting activities within the scope of the sports system, including adapted sports, sports physical activities and school sports, aiming at the generalization of sports practice by the Azorean population.
  • EUROPEAN PLATFORM FOR SPORTS AND INNOVATION (BE) – EPSI is a non for profit membership-based organisation in Europe, based in Brussels that focuses on innovation in the areas of sport, physical activity, healthy lifestyle, vitality, environment and all related impacted sectors. EPSI strives for more innovation-friendly conditions for the EU sports ecosystem, in order to stimulate technological innovation and to set up / develop businesses with a focus on the entire innovation spectrum.

Materials And Publications